Rev. Dr. Mary is excited to see how this book is going to be a blessing to all of you who are ready to be courageous by stepping into your destiny and taking the risk to Follow-Through on that “thing” that you have put off or set aside for too long. If you are ready to see what awaits you on the other side–or what awaits you down the road as you crawl, walk, or run forward—now is your time to start or to continue. The key is ensuring forward movement. Rev. Dr. Mary believes in you and if you start, she believes that you will and can Follow-Through; just keep seeking God, and you will be encouraged and strengthened to Follow-Through. Enjoy the read and achieve your DV&Gs.

To all of her readers, stand on this passage of scripture: Dr. Mary leads her own Follow-Through Group in Illinois. She is also available to facilitate trainings about how to start your own Follow-Through group that will support you or your organization with reaching your DV&Gs. Rev. Dr. Mary conducts workshops for churches, women groups, and young people. What makes Rev. Dr. Mary’s work unique is that she specializes in weaving the wisdom of the baby boomer generation with the energy of millennial generation, and this mix creates an intergeneration synergy within her groups and training sessions that is like no other type of spiritual group experience. Her training sessions offer participants a safe environment to speak about their DV&Gs. Leaders and organizations can also benefit from learning more about The Art, Skill and Spirit of Follow-Through approaches.

In public speaking engagements, Rev. Dr. Mary offers specific techniques on how to use the Spiritual Model developed for this book. She teaches participants about how to use the Spiritual Model in your daily lives to support you with Following-Through on “things” that have been difficult prior to reading this book.

My Personal Testimony

Every success that I have had has been because I Followed-Through on the unction of the Holy Spirit and I knew that it was God who I call Jesus instructing me to Follow-Through of my DV&Gs. It is in the spirit of my success with using this Spiritual Model that I share my testimony about my international and domestic travels and personal experiences to Bless Your Life, Dreams, Visions, and Goals.

Now is your time to start, continue again, and do what you know is in your heart that you want and need to Follow-Through on and finish. Today is the day to see yourself on the other side of, “I Followed-Through and I did it!” I believe that you will feel good that you got it done!