Build Your Support Team

God will support you and surround you with the people that you need in your life to make things happen. These people are your supportive team.

A supportive team is what you put together when you choose the people with whom you share your Follow-Through goals. It will be those people who will hold you accountable and expect to see some movement and progress on what you said you needed to do in order to achieve your dreams, desires, and goals.

This team—along with your family, friends and those who love and care about you and your desires—are the ones who ” “make up your human support. Surround yourself with people who you know are on your side; people who have been there for you in the past; and people who you feel will want what is best for you. Think about ways that each person can add support and help as it relates to meeting your goals and Following-Through.

Use your support team to share obstacles that you believe are stopping you from Following-Through on the things that you know that you are supposed to be doing.

Remember that you have the gift of free will. If you choose not to get started, you may run the risk of not seeing and experiencing God showing up in your life in big ways as He accompanies you along the process of actually Following-Through. As you grow and mature spiritually, you extend to God the opportunity to be present in your life in ways you would have never known if you had not exhibited the courage to step out into the unknown and take the risk of experiencing things that you have only dreamed.

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