Quiet Time and Reflection

There are times even when you fight being alone as you Follow-Through, God will require you to just be with Him, so that He can do a work in you. He wants solitude with you sometimes, so that He can hone in you just what He created you to do in terms of fulfilling your purpose in life. Sometimes, the noise of life, the world, and your busy lifestyle can create difficulty for you to Follow-Through on what God has in store for you, even when you know what it is that you really need to be doing.

Sometimes people think that they are so busy “doing,” but oftentimes, they are doing the wrong “things.” Ask yourself whether you choose to stop and listen to hear what God has to say, or if you continue to spin your wheels doing what you think that you need to do without asking Him? For example, do you say, “God, what do you want me to do to fulfill my purpose?” Instead, consider taking the time to ask, “How can I Follow-Through on this particular task that I really feel fearful about, but I know that you are calling me to do it? I just do not know where or how to begin?” When you are feeling like this, I suggest that it is the time to be still and know that He is God: Meditate in quiet each morning or when you initially wake for the day. You may be surprised that ideas that are only designed for you will come to you when you begin to deeply experience and practice the art of “quiet time.”

In the Bible, even Jesus needed “quiet time” with his Father. Surely, there are times when you just need time with your Father to say, “Help me, provide direction for me and make it plain so that I know that it is your voice that I am hearing.” Sometimes you need to just create a space that is quiet, just to say, “Speak Lord, your child is listening. I want to be in your will, God.” There are occasions when you need to allow time to reflect on who you are and what you were created to do in this world. It is important to reflect on what you have done, your talents, what you enjoy, who you love to be around, and what makes you come alive.

You also need to think about what excites your passion for life. In reflecting upon these thoughts, you may hear from God how you need to Follow-Through on your goals at this time in your life, but you have to learn and practice the power of stillness, the power of listening, and the power of knowing His voice in the quiet. Quiet time is that time that you designate to “be” and not “do.” Just “be.” This effort involves tapping into the being part of “human being.” This chapter focused on being, listening, and learning how to respond when you begin to get answers to your questions from God.

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